Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml


The heartland of Wolf Blass winemaking, Yellow Label has delivered exceptional quality for over 40 years through an outstanding range of South Australian wines. Bright, fruit-driven and full of flavour, Yellow Label wines pair perfectly with food, helping make any meal more of an occasion. This cabernet sauvignon is a smooth red wine with rich flavours of dark plum, blackberry and cassis, with a hint of leafy cabernet character adding freshness to the palate, and subtle savoury oak giving a long, structured finish. Cabernet sauvignon pairs well with red meats, hearty pasta dishes, cheddar cheese, broccoli, fennel, rosemary and mint. Yellow label cabernet sauvignon is great with chargrilled steak with fat chips, or beef stroganoff. Alcohol content: 13.5%

Produced with the aid of Egg and Milk Products and traces may remain Contains Sulphites

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