HP Original Sauce 220ml
HP Original Sauce 220ml
HP™ Sauce is a versatile condiment known for its distinct flavour. Made with quality ingredients, this original brown sauce is delicious on sandwiches and in stews, casseroles or soups. Crafted with quality ingredients and a closely guarded recipe, HP™ Sauce brings a uniquely delicious flavour to your favourite dishes. Best of all, it goes well on almost anything. Stir it into soups and stews, add a dash to a scrumptious beef casserole or give your sausages and sandwiches a good drizzle for extra flavour.
Tomatoes, Malt Vinegar (from Barley), Molasses, Glucose-Fructose Syrup (from Wheat), Spirit Vinegar, Sugar, Dates, Maize Thickener (1422), Rye Flour, Salt, Spices, Flavours, Tamarind Extract.
Contains: Barley, Wheat, Rye, Gluten.
Serving/pack: 15 Serving size: 15ml
Nutrient | Per 100ml | Per Serving |
Energy | 575kJ | 85kJ |
Protein | 1g | 0.2g |
Fat - Total | 0.1g | 0g |
Fat - Saturated | 0g | 0g |
Carbohydrates | 32.3g | 4.8g |
Sugar - Total | 26.3g | 3.9g |
Sodium | 570mg | 90mg |
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