Campbell's Real Stock Beef Stock Liquid 500ml
Campbell's Real Stock Beef Stock Liquid 500ml
Campbell's Real Stock Beef is a delicious beef stock that you can add to any meal for extra flavour. It's made from scratch using real Australian grown beef and vegetables and gently simmered for up to 3 hours, to give your dishes even more real flavour. It's the best stock for cooking up a storm. Grab this stock when you're making a weekend meal for your loved ones - it's the perfect beef soup base.
Beef Stock (98%) (Water, Beef, Carrot, Celery, Cabbage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper), Salt, Yeast Extract, Sugar, Glucose, Caramelised Sugar, Cloves.
Serving/pack: 2 Serving size: 250ml
Nutrient | Per 100ml | Per Serving |
Energy | 33kJ | 83kJ |
Protein | 1g | 2.6g |
Fat - Total | 0.1g | 0.1g |
Fat - Saturated | 0.1g | 0.1g |
Carbohydrates | 0.7g | 1.8g |
Sugar - Total | 0.6g | 1.5g |
Sodium | 449mg | 1,123mg |
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