Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne 750ml

Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne 750ml


Made from a rich palette of more than 120 vintages representing all the diversity of the Champagne region of France, Mumm Cordon Rouge is the signature cuvee of Maison Mumm. This exceptional brut champagne blends Mumm’s signature grape variety, Pinot Noir from the Montagne de Reims and Aube; with Chardonnay from the Côte des Blancs, Sézannais, Vitryat and Aube; and Meunier from the Marne and Ardre valleys and the Montagne de Reims. Mumm Cordon Rougeis beautifully presented in an iconic bottle adorned with a red ribbon that has paid homage to the Legion of Honour since 1876. Aged for a minimum of 20 months in Maison Mumm’s cellars, this wine is ideal as an aperitif among friends or a lazy Sunday brunch –those moments when everything simply clicks and positive energy flows: real friends sharing real talk, everyone at ease in a joyful, convivial atmosphere.

Contains Sulphites Pregnancy Warning - Alcohol can cause lifelong harm to your baby

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