PAK’nSAVE stores use the Top 50 Price Check to compare the price of the Top 10 most frequently shopped items from the Butchery, Fruit & Vege, Chilled, Frozen and Grocery departments in a PAK’nSAVE store versus a comparable Woolworths store.
The prices used are the advertised prices taken from the relevant PAK’nSAVE and Woolworths store in store or online on the date in the advertisement. The Top 50 Price Check is one of many tools used to check prices and show customers where low prices can be found on these commonly purchased items.
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A Top 10 list of the most frequently shopped items was determined across the following supermarket departments: Butchery, Fruit & Vege, Chilled, Frozen and Grocery using data provided by NielsenIQ through its Homescan Service for the most frequently shopped items in Total Supermarkets, New Zealand; for the 24-week period ending 13 August 2023. Copyright © 2023, Nielsen Consumer LLC. Prices taken from Woolworths and PAK’nSAVE’s online or instore advertised prices on the date(s) advertised.
Not intended to be reflective of a weekly shop. Certain products may be excluded if they are not advertised as ‘in stock’ at one or both stores at the time the price comparison took place. Private Label Lite Milk 3L is not stocked at PAK’nSAVE South Island stores and instead PAK’nSAVE Private Label Trim Milk 3L has been compared to Woolworths Private Label Trim Milk 3L. Prime Beef Mince has been compared at PAK’nSAVE South Island stores with Prime Beef Mince at Woolworths South Island stores. Where an item on the list has been discontinued or not equivalent at a store, the next most commonly shopped item in the relevant category will be used.
Pricing at your local PAK’nSAVE or Woolworths in store or online, or pricing on a different day may differ. Advertised specials and discounts (including Everyday Rewards) are included in the price comparison. In the case of private label products, the equivalent private label products were compared at Woolworths.