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How to cook mince from frozen

It’s easy to cook mince from frozen. We share the simplest, foolproof methods to getting frozen mince cooked and onto the dinner table pronto.

Pan frying mince from frozen

The best method of cooking mince from frozen is by frying in a pan on the hob because it is quick and browns the meat in the process. 

Method: Warm the pan to medium heat, add 2 Tablespoons of cooking oil and place the block of frozen meat in the pan. Move around frequently, breaking mince off the cooked surface continuously until the entire block has broken away into crumbles and the mince has browned all over. Continue cooking the mince until it reaches an internal temperature of 75℃. This will add no more than 10 minutes to the normal pan frying cooking time.

Mince in fry pan

Boiling mince from frozen

Cooking mince by boiling on the hob is a very safe, simple, effective way to thaw the mince quickly before cooking. 

Method: Place mince in the pan and cover with boiling water from the kettle. Turn heat to medium then repeatedly chip away at the surface of the meat with a wooden spoon until the mince has fully crumbled apart and has cooked through fully with no pink meat remaining. Continue cooking the mince until it reaches an internal temperature of 75℃. This will add approximately 10 minutes to the normal cooking time.

Microwaving mince from frozen

If you’re in a hurry, frozen mince can be cooked very quickly in the microwave. Microwave ovens vary in size and power so it's advisable to refer to your manufacturer's handbook for precise timing.

Method: Place mince in a microwavable dish. Use the defrost setting on your microwave. Mince should be defrosted in small 2 minute bursts then allowed to rest for a minute before stirring or breaking up the block. Repeat this until the meat is fully thawed throughout.

Microwaves can cause uneven hot spots and may start to cook some of the mince whilst other parts are still frozen. This can produce harmful bacteria which could make you unwell. To prevent this we recommend that mince is cooked immediately after it's thawed in the microwave.

A 500g block of mince will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to defrost in the microwave oven. Cut the block apart and check that it is thawed through completely before cooking.

Oven baking mince from frozen

Baking mince from frozen can be a very slow process as you have to start with lower temperatures, repeatedly open the oven door, scrape the mince surface and repeat. This can easily add 50% to the normal cooking time it would take to oven bake fresh mince. If done incorrectly this can be an unsafe method of cooking frozen mince.

We recommend you defrost the mince in the microwave, frying pan or boiling pot first before continuing to cook in the oven.

Not Recommended: Slow cooking mince from frozen

Slow cooking mince from frozen is not recommended. Slow cooking works on the principle of cooking at low to moderate temperatures for an extended time. These low temperatures may not reach to the core of the frozen block of meat, or be hot enough to cook it through completely. This can lead to undercooked meat which is not safe and can cause food poisoning. 

We recommend you defrost the mince using a frying pan, microwave or boiling on the hob first before continuing to cook in the slow cooker.

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